It's 9:30 A.M. on a sticky Orlando morning, and Lance is the first to arrive at the Teen Vogue shoot, looking purposeful. Slowly the others start rolling inóJC in a tank and Adidas pants, hair in adorable disarray. Then, half an hour later, Justin dances in spouting OutKast lyrics. "Chris and Joey are on their way," promises a gracious publicist with a bit of hesitation. "They're coming from home; you know how it is." In the hallway, JC mentions the big steak he ate the night beforeó"I only eat red meat once a year!"óand then, apropos of absolutely nothing, he catapults himself into a walking handstand.
I had met *NSYNC years before, when they were on the brink of major fame, but seeing them now, just before the release of their third album, Celebrity, caused similar handstands in the pit of my stomach. Admittedly, their millions of fans and dollars, not to mention their overwhelming charisma, left me feeling a bit starstruck. But once we started chatting (the *NSYNCers took the Teen Vogue quiz very seriously indeed!), it seemed more like hanging out with one's hyperactive little brothersótalk fast or the whole crew may run off to play NBA Live in the back of Joey's SUV, or Justin might all of a sudden make an affected slow-motion run for the door (peeking, of course, to make sure everyone is watching). Joey's and Chris's good humor shined through obvious exhaustion, and Lance chitchatted with fans when he could've been napping between takes. Just when I thought that the boys were going to break into yet another chorus of eighties rock tunes, Justin stared me down with his sparkling blues and Joey threw me a wink across the room. Yet another diehard fan was made at that momentóand they knew it.
Teen Vogue: You perform in front of thousands and give interviews around the world, yet you remain cool and collected. If that isn't enough to rattle you, what does make you nervous?
Justin: I've always had a problem performing for, like, two people. Get me in front of 70,000 and it's nothing.
JC: Performing in front of my parents.
Joey: When we learn a new dance in a couple of days and try to do it for an awards show.
Lance: I get really nervous at awards shows because you're in front of all your peers.
Chris: Heights. I'm afraid of heights.
Teen Vogue: We know some of you have the acting itch. If you were to go solo to pursue an acting career, who would be your dream leading lady and why?
Joey: Ooh, there are a lot of those. Sandra Bullock is one. So is Ashley Judd.
Chris: Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie.
JC: I'm not interested in girls on TV. I'm really drawn to ordinary girls, but I'll say Natalie Portman because she was in Star Wars. Or even Princess Leia!
Justin: I don't know if I have a dream leading lady, but you know whose style I like? Julia Stiles.
Teen Vogue: How do you feel about seeing yourselves merchandised as gummy candy, dolls, Valentine's Day cards, or lip balms? What would you like to see yourself as next?
JC: There's a lot of stuff that goes out without our permission. We just like T-shirts and picturesóthings that are sold at concert stands. It'd be cool to see us as holograms.
Lance: We've been on everything from marionettes to key chains, but I've never seen myself on a bedsheet. I think it'd be kind of funny to wake up and there I am!
Justin: We are very marketed. I guess I'd like to see us on something I would wear, like a thermal.
Teen Vogue: What's the first thought you have when you wake up in the morning?
JC: "I can't wait to take my shower."
Joey: "It's [really] early."
Lance: "What city am I in?"
Justin: "Brush your teeth!"
Chris: I wake up and go, "Huh?"
Teen Vogue: Blondes, brunettes, or redheads?
JC: Depends. I'm not really into a hair color, more into features.
Chris: Brunettes.
Lance: I have a thing for blondes, but all of my serious relationships have been with brunettes.
Justin: Well [laughs], I'm going to say somewhere between a blonde and a brunette.
Joey: All of the above.
Teen Vogue: Your clothes tend to be flashy and unique. Do they accurately reflect your personalities?
Joey: Yes, my style's out of control sometimes.
Lance: Sometimes. A lot of times I'm performing in stuff that's very me. Ripped and studded jeans, old Rolling Stones tour shirtsóthat's what I'm into.
Justin: Sometimes. There's always a little bit of vibe, a little bit of freshness to everything we wear. Always a little bit of pop to it.
JC: Whenever we dress up, it's our way of having fun. Some people say it's a form of expression; we just call it goofin' off. We don't take it very seriously.
Teen Vogue: You're cute, you're famous, you're surrounded by admirers . . . but what do you do when you like a girl? How do you pursue her?
Justin: If I'm feeling somebody, I'll always just be right up front and tell them, but it definitely takes a while for me to get to that level. I don't fall that easily, but when I do [he whistles], I fall for sure.
Chris: I tell her that I really like that one episode she was in when. . . .
JC: Jeez. We're so focused on work I forgot what it's like to date. It's not about being famous or anything. Anytime you want to pursue somebody, just give them the direct approach. I'm all about it. Confidence is sexy to anybody.
Lance: I'm very shy. I really am. When I'm interested in someone, I always become good friends with them first, but really, I'm wanting more.
Teen Vogue: With so much publicity you're bound to hear a few untruths told. What's the funniest, and how do you respond?
Justin: A few?! According to the tabloids, one week I was engaged, the next week I was gay, and the third week I was going solo. So in a matter of a month, my sex life was in full drive and I went from prenuptials to independence!
JC: If you read something nice you say, "Wow, that's nice of them to write." If it's something untrue, you say, "They don't know jack." And if something they say ticks you off, you get on the phone with your lawyer.
Joey: Oh, yeah. [I read that] I'm dating Chyna. And no, it's not true.
Chris: That Kathie Lee [Gifford] and I are a hot item behind her back.
Teen Vogue: Numerous awards have been presented, millions of albums have been sold. You just keep getting paid. . . . What do you do with all that cash?
JC: Put it away. You never know what's going to happen.
Chris: I obviously don't buy clothes. I make sure that everything's paid for in full.
Joey: Invest, invest, invest . . . and spend it.
Justin: Invest, take care of my family, and buy some cars on the side.
Lance: I don't really know what I do with it, because I don't spend much. I have a simple car, and I live in Orlando with a roommate. It's a simple bachelorhood [experience] for me.
Teen Vogue: What do you want most that you don't have?
JC: The ability to relax. I'd love to have just three days in a row where [I didn't think about work], but I already know that's impossible.
Joey: More money. No, I'm kidding.
Lance: A Grammy. There's just something about that gold gramophone.
Justin: Um, I'm pretty happy. I have a healthy life, a great family; I'm in love. I'm happy with my career. You really can't ask for much more.
Teen Vogue: Who is Britney Spears to you? How would you describe the pop diva?
Chris: She's a girl I know who's very nice and also happens to be famous.
JC: She's like our little buddy. I mean, she's Justin's girl and all, but she kicks it like a guy does.
Lance: Britney's one of my best friends. She reminds me of Julia Roberts in a wayójust stunned by it all. She's at the top of her game and can still be as goofy as she wants to be.
Joey: She's like a little sister to me. She's just like us. We love music, and we're out to have fun.
Justin: She's the area of my life that only I can emotionally touch. I definitely feel like her protector, because I get more upset about the things that are said about her than she does, but she's got a great head on her shoulders, and she's a beautiful, beautiful person. She's definitely taught me a lot.
Teen Vogue: If you were in college right now, what would you study/major in? Do you have any hopes to continue your education?
JC: As boring as it sounds, I'd probably study computers.
Lance: I would be studying space engineering, mathematics, and such.
Justin: I was never a school person, and I don't know if I was made for college. I'd probably just get into trouble.
Teen Vogue: Though you're touted as good boys by the media, songs like "Digital Get Down" reveal a very, wellómature side. Which perception is more accurate?
JC: I wouldn't exactly call it mature! Everybody talks about image, but we just say what's on our minds at the time. We're right in the middle; we're just like everybody else out there.
Joey: Woooo. I'm a little bit of both.
Lance: I guess you could classify us as good boys, but we're normal guys. We're going to do and talk guy stuff.
Justin: Sometimes within [a song] you can live a different life. It doesn't necessarily mean that you feel that way. A song like "Digital Get Down" doesn't mean that we go on the Internet and have sex with people, but I can't think of a safer way to do it if you want to get technical about it.
Chris: I think we're just little boys trying to act like grown-ups.
Teen Vogue: Are you in love?
Justin: Yes! Happily.
Joey: Yes.
Lance: No, and I don't think I've ever been. If I ever fall in love, that would be itóhooked! If I weren't in this group, I'd probably be married with kids,
JC: I've been in love.
Chris: No. WaitóI should say, "Yes, and her name was Music."
Teen Vogue: You have been together almost every day for six years, so we know there must be some fights. Who is usually the instigator, and what do you most often fight about?
JC: We fight about silly stuff like "Clean up your crap in the back of the bus so we can sit down!"
Joey: We don't really fight. Sometimes Lance is the instigator, sometimes Justin. Everybody is a little bit now and then.
Lance: Who's the instigator? It might be me or Chris but in a playful way. We deal with things in a joking matter. I think that works best.
Justin: We've had disagreements, but I think we can agree to disagree. All of our personalities complement one another, and these are definitely my friendsówe don't fight.
Teen Vogue: What celebrity encounter has been the most meaningful to you and why?
Chris: Paul McCartneyójust getting to shake his hand.
JC: I was pretty impressed meeting George Lucas.
Lance: I loved meeting former president Gerald Ford and Betty Ford. Clinton was also great because of his charisma. He's done a wonderful job with our country and he's still just "Bill."
Justin: President Clinton was pretty cool. The country's going to miss him a lot, but the only time I've been really, really starstruck was when I met Michael Jordan. I've looked up to him since I was a kid.
Teen Vogue: Like everyone, you've had ups and downs in your romantic relationships. Regardless, what would your girlfriendóor past girlfriendsósay are your best and worst qualities?
JC: My best quality is that I'm kind of selfless. I'm definitely a giver. The worst quality is that I think about work a lot, and I'm pretty boring. I'm the one who'd rather stay home to watch a movie.
Lance: Worst is definitely that I was never there. The best is that I never really worried about anything. I was always just really positive.
Justin: My best? I don't know, man, I have way more worse ones. She'd probably say my best quality is my confidence because she thinks I'm a cocky boy. My worst quality . . . I don't want to say, because she'll read this article and say [in a mock Britney voice], "I don't think that!"
Teen Vogue: If President Clinton answered it, so can you . . . boxers or briefs?
Justin: I guess it depends on the situation, doesn't it? Usually boxer briefs.
JC: Sports shorts.
Lance: Boxer briefs.
Teen Vogue: Because of your good-boy image, we don't hear about too many wild encounters. What's the craziest thing you've done in the past year?
Lance: Joey and I went to Cancún and I fought a bull . . . and it hurt . . . and I had bruises. It was crazy, and I'll never do it again.
Justin: I don't think of us as "good boys." I'm scandalous just like every other 20-year-old out there. The media is just a lot more lenient on us than the females in the industry.
JC: This is going to sound strange, but my sense of reality on what's [crazy] and [not crazy] is a bit jaded now because we've been exposed to so much. We tend to cause a scene if we go out at all, so it could be anything really.
Teen Vogue: How do you picture yourself in ten years?
JC: I don't know as long as I'm happy.
Joey: Busy!!
Justin: Hopefully still writing and producing.
Chris: Old.
Joey Fatone
Designer: Dolce & Gabbana
Comfort Food: Anything Italian
Sexy Food: Strawberries and whipped cream
Drink: Yoo-Hoo
Vacation Spot: Turks and Caicos
MTV VJ: Carson
Restaurant: Benihana
TV Show: The Simpsons
CD: Michael Jackson, Thriller
Actor: Robert De Niro [sic]
Hair Product: American Crew
JC Chasez
Designer: Roberto Cavalli
Comfort Food: Soup
Sexy Food: Desserts
Singer/Vocalist: Sting
Drink: Coffee
Vacation Spot: My living room
MTV VJ: Carson
Restaurant: Café Luxembourg in NYC
TV Show: Law & Order
Actor: Harrison Ford
Hair product: A hat
Lance Bass
Designer: Roberto Cavalli
Comfort Food: Grilled cheese
Sexy Food: Strawberries and champagne
Singer/Vocalist: Martina McBride
Drink: Water
Vacation Spot: Mexico
MTV VJ: Ananda
Restaurant: Ago in L.A.
TV Show: Cheers
CD: Silverchair, The Best of
Actor: Julia Roberts
Hair Product: TIGI Bed Head
Chris Kirkpatrick
Designer: Trace
Comfort Food: Pineapple
Sexy Food: Pineapple
Singer/Vocalist: Stevie Wonder
Drink: Milk
Vacation Spot: Cancún
MTV VJ: Ananda
Restaurant: Taco Bell
TV Show: The Simpsons
CD: Lenny Kravitz, 5
Hair Product: American Crew
Justin Timberlake
Designer: Roberto Cavalli, Dolce & Gabbana
Comfort Food: Cereal
Sexy Food: Chocolate and strawberries
Singer/Vocalist: Brian McKnight
Drink: Cran-Mango Ocean Spray
Vacation Spot: Caribbean
MTV VJ: Ananda
Restaurant: Del Frisco's in Orlando
TV Show: Friends
CD: Stevie Wonder, Original Musiquarium
Actor: Julia Roberts
Hair Product: Nothing now