"Ya Never Know"
I can't believe it
It couldn't be happening
Pinch me girls
It couldn't be happening
All of a sudden success
Coming out of the blue
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
I put a sign up
Right in the front window
An advertisement
Right in the front window
Stop in and see the amazing new plant
Audrey II
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
And the really remarkable thing
Is that people, they do
Doo doo doo they sure do
Seymour the twerp of a kltuz
Finally did something right
Audrey II drives 'em nuts
What a blessing this wonderful plant should exist
And should rake in the bucks for me hand over fist (doo-wah)
One day he pushed a broom
Nothing in his news but gloom and doom
Then he lit a fuse and give him room
Stand aside and watch that mother blow
Bang kerboom
Don't it go to show
You never know
Seymour was in a funk
He was number zero
Who'd-a thunk
He'd become a hero
Just a punk
He was a forgotten so-and-so
And one day
Crash kerplunk
Don't it go to show
You never know
All the world used to screw him
Biff wam pow
Now they interview him
And they clamor to put his remarks on the air
All the world used to hate him
Now they start to appreciate him
And all because of this strange little plant over there
Observe him
Here's a chap
Everything is landing in his lap
I just cut my hand and in a snap (doo-wap)
Something out of Edgar Allen Poe has happened
Zam ka-zap
Don't it go to show
You never know
One day you're slinging hash
Feeling so rejected
Lightning flash
You get resurrected
Make a splash
Now you rate the big bravissimo
And with a thunder crash
Crash kerplunk
Bam kerboom
Zang ka-zunk
Zam ka-zoom
Zowie powie
Holy cow
He ordered up a rainbow to go
Wow pow
Look out below
Don't it go to show
You never know
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