TV Appearances I Missed And Need Help Finding

There aren't many, but if you can help me get ANY of them, I will trade for something you missed or whatever you want. I have everything I know of that's not on this list.

TRL World Trade Center disaster edition - Joey's & Justin's call-in 9/14/01
BET - Black Entertainment Television, summer 2001
anti-drug commercial
safe sex commercial
New Year's Eve 2000 (clips of Lance's party)
*N Sync on the talk show Maury sometime in 2000 (they're giving tickets to this poor armless kid or something)
Rockefeller tree lighting from 1999
Joey as a judge on Say What? Karaoke, summer 1999 (I only taped it one day)
Lance on Emeril Lagasse's cooking show, either 1999 or 2000 (I don't know if this exists, but I heard he was on once)
Lance's second day on TRL recruiting acts for FreeLance Entertainment
2000 World Series
*N Sync Oprah, from either 1999 or 2000
Miss Teen USA 1998
*N Sync TV (their first MTV special, probably in 1998)
SeaQuest episode #11 "Photon Bullet" (the episode featuring a teenage Joey)
pretty much anything from 1998 or before; that's before I started taping fanatically

Please email me if you have any of these on tape. I will be very grateful!

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